As you begin…wonder how unlikely it is you are reading this.
How so many things have conspired to create this moment.
Having reached the sweet spot of an overflow of new learnings and just enough cognitive unraveling my thoughts flit and dance without regard to convention. Movement on the spiral of life are effortless, all things open to consideration. So it seems like an apt time to record these wonderings while they maintain some cohesion.
Grand plans abound for what might be contained herein. Considerations of my ancestors both known and unknown. Reflections on 40+ years of witnessing the struggles in families as modernity has quickened. And perhaps other unauthorized musings or two which seek to rearrange the habits of thought which underwrite the trance of our days.
My current ambitions however are discrete. A ragged coagulation of the life and death of my parents. Nine letters written from their death beds and a section for each which offers a peek into their joys and struggles.
May the musings and material contained herein stimulate and feed your awe and wonder.